Sharpening Muslim Men into Warriors Physically And Mentally To Become Protectors Of The Ummah And Strong Believers.

With Guidance From The Quran And Sunnah.

- The symbol you see is The SEAL OF HONOR which represents honor and protection for the Ummah. (Not Our Logo)


From living in the Masjid, living with rats, and taking showers outside in negative freezing weather.

But Abu Mubarizun never felt the hardships of it.

Because he had the Muslim community and the Friday Jummah prayers when the Muslim men came together to eat and remind one another about our Deen.

But tragic struck when the Masjid that Abu Mubarizun attended got taken from underneath us because we lacked the resources to keep the masjid together.

From that experience and from that day on Abu Mubarizun knew the importance of true brotherhood and what's needed from the Men in the Ummah.

So, he took years just studying the problems the Men face in detail, and what the Ummah is in desperate need of.

And the conquest of Mubarizun™ begun!


Consisting of all the Muslim men in the World who are protectors of their family, community, and the Ummah.

With Muslim generals leading their battalions being the core of it.

And if you do good and forbit evil according to Quran and Sunnah.

Then make yourself a home in our camp. We welcome you in the ranks.

You may climb the ranks and become a general and have your own battalion, but you must take the first step and step into battle to get your spoils of war!


Many may ask what is "Spoils Of War". This meaning comes from possession that are taken from an enemy during war.

As Muslim we are fighting a war with the enemy being our own selves day in and day out, so Mubarizun wants to reward you with Spoils from THE FORGE™, THE ARMORY™, THE SCROLLS™ as a way to reward yourself for fighting that battle.